I am a group leader at RIKEN, Japan’s national scientific research institute. I am part of the Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program (iTHEMS). Please get in touch if you’re interested in joining our group. See here for RIKEN-funded fellowships and JSPS-funded fellowships at PhD and postdoc level, in addition to positions funded directly by us.
I am interested in developing powerful statistical tools that utilise the rapidly growing numbers of genomes of modern and ancient people to reconstruct our shared genetic past.
Our genomes can, for instance, inform us about past migrations, introgression with Neanderthals and other extinct hominids, and adaptation to environmental or lifestyle changes throughout human history. In particular, I am interested in understanding how evolutionary forces have shaped our genetic differences and how these may impact our health.
We published twigstats, a new method for robust fine-scale admixture inference.
Book chapter on reconstructing genealogies with ancient DNA was published.
Paper looking at selection acting on old deletion polymorphisms in the human genome was published.